AmeriPlan Healthcare is looking for Vision Care Professionals and Vision Retail Centers to help us meet the needs of our ever growing member population.
AmeriPlan has made healthcare more affordable to over one million lives, many of who need ongoing vision care.
When you join the AmeriPlan Healthcare network:
• You are joining more than 12,000 participating eye care locations
• You will bring new cash paying customers through your doors
• Our members will find you through our website, reducing the need for money spent on advertising
• You will avoid insurance processing and reimbursement delays
AmeriPlan® Corporation welcomes your interest in joining our healthcare provider network! We look forward to partnering with you in providing quality discount dental and healthcare services to AmeriPlan® members. Upon your acceptance, you will immediately be placed on our list of national providers. Please take a few moments to complete the contact form and we’ll begin the application process for you to become a provider.
Questions? Contact us and/or have a look at our providers frequently asked questions list.